Believe it or not flirt texting is an important part of attracting women in today’s age of technology. If you haven’t already developed a viable texting strategy for girls that you want to date now is the time to do so. Knowing how to text girls you like can very easily improve your success rate with girls for several reasons. To start with, it will make it easier to connect with a girl that you have only just met. Here is some light hearted but relevant humor on texting girls: Texting Girls and TEXTING GIRLS 101 – COLLEGE COURSE
“Having a hard time thinking of what to text girls? How to respond? What do you say first? Let me break it down for ya! Share this video here:…”
That video is fun but there are a lot of serious elements to it and best of all it has a lot of really good tips on how to text girls and especially on things to text a girl to keep her interested. Let’s break it down:
1. What if she doesn’t text you back? Video says she don’t like you. In other words move on. There are many fishes in the sea why obsess over one?
2. When is the best time to send her the first text? A girl has tons of guys sending her all kinds of text all the time. What you need to do is be different, be creative and you will be the one with the goods.
3. Don’t confess your undying love after the first date…or anytime for that matter. Keep it simple!
4. Don’t get too sexual too quickly. It is OK to get sexual but only after you are sure that the girl you are texting is into that kind of thing and the only way to find out is to get into it gently.
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